
2024/2025 (in preparation). Organizing Decline: Deindustrialization in Germany and the United States (first draft scheduled for Winter 2024/2025).

2015. Große Hoffnungen und brüchige Koalitionen. Politik, Industrie und die schwierige Durchsetzung der Photovoltaik. Frankfurt am Main/New York, Campus.


2025. Picking Losers: Climate Change and Managed Decline in the European Union. Regulation & Governance

2023. No Strings Attached: Corporate Welfare, State Intervention, and the Issue of Conditionality. Competition & Change 27, 2, 253–276 (with F. Bulfone and M. Kalaitzake).

2023. The Silicon Valley Imaginary: U.S. Tax Reform in the 1980s. Socio-economic Review 21, 2, 935–957 (with I. Rademacher).

2023. Firm Foundations: The Statistical Footprint of Multinational Corporations as a Problem for Political Economy. Competition & Change 27, 1, 44–73 (with B. Braun and S. Kohl).

2022. Rival Views of Economic Competition. Socio-economic Review 20, 3, 937–965 (with S. Kohl).

2022. Contested Futures: Reimagining Energy Infrastructures in the First Oil Crisis. Historical Social Research 47, 4, 242–266 (with L. Suckert).

2021. Shifting Patterns of Expectations Management in Innovation Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Solar Energy Policy in the United States, Japan and Germany. Energy Research and Social Science 79, 102177 (with M. Umemura).

2021. Is More Mittelstand the Answer? Firm Size and the Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. Analyse & Kritik 43, 1, 41–70 (with S. Kohl).

2019. Wirtschaftliche Untergangsszenarien und neoliberale Reformen. Leviathan 47, 2, pp. 144–168.

2019. Varieties of Economization in Competition Policy: Institutional Change in German and American Antitrust, 1960–2000. Review of International Political Economy 26, 2, pp. 256–286 (with S. Kohl).

Book chapters

2023. Imagined Futures and Social Innovation. In: J. Howaldt and C. Kaletka (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Innovation. Edward Elgar, 7–10..

2023. The Future in the Economy. In: Milan Zafirovsky (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Economic Sociology. New York: Routledge, pp. 583–600 (with M. Seeliger).

2023. Imagined Futures and Social Innovation. In: Jürgen Howaldt and Christoph Kaletka (eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp- 7–10.

2021. Die moralische Ökonomie des Schutzzolls: Der Fall der Solarindustrie. In: Klaus Kraemer and Sascha Münnich (eds.), Ökonomischer Nationalismus: Soziologische Analysen wirtschaftlicher Ordnungen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 147–167.

2021. Transcending History’s Heavy Hand: The Future in Economic Action. In: Andrea Maurer (ed.), Handbook of Economic Sociology for the 21st Century. London, Springer Nature, pp. 79–94 (with J. Beckert).

2021. Eine pragmatistische Theorie technologischer Innovation. In: Felix Petersen, Martin Seeliger and Hauke Brunkhorst (eds.), Pragmatistische Sozialforschung: Für eine praktische Wissenschaft gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts. Stuttgart, JB. Metzler, pp. 245–258.

2021. Unsichere Zukünfte und die Entstehung von Kooperation. In: Felix Petersen, Martin Seeliger and Hauke Brunkhorst (eds.), Pragmatistische Sozialforschung: Für eine praktische Wissenschaft gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts. Stuttgart, JB. Metzler, pp. 259–280 (with M. Seeliger.)

2018. The Dilemma between Aligned Expectations and Diversity in Innovation: Evidence from Early Energy Technology Policies. In: Jens Beckert and Richard Bronk (eds.), Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 298–318.

Working papers and shorter pieces

2024. The Political Economy of Conditionality and the New Industrial Policy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 24/6 (with F. Bulfone & E. Maggor.)

2024. Whose Social Order? (Forum on Cloud Empires: How Digital Platforms Are Overtaking the State and How We Can Regain Control.) Socio-economic Review.

2023. The Sunshine Problem: Climate Change and Managed Decline in the European Union. MPIfG Discussion Paper 6/23 (with L. Schmitz.)

2022. No Strings Attached: Corporate Welfare, State Intervention, and the Issue of Conditionality. MPIfG Discussion Paper 22/2 (with F. Bulfone and M. Kalaitzake.)

2022. Review of “Veblen: The Making of an Economist Who Unmade Economics” by Charles Camic. Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations 23.2, March 2022, 40–41.

2021. Firm Foundations: The Statistical Footprint of Multinational Corporations as a Problem for Political Economy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 21/5 (with B. Braun and S. Kohl).

2021. Der Mittelstand als Retter des demokratischen Kapitalismus? Makronom, 24 February (with S. Kohl.)

2021. “Crises” as catalysts for more sustainable futures? The case of the First Oil Crisis and the role of multilayered interpretative struggles. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 22.2, March 2021, 15–23 (with L. Suckert.)

2020. Transcending History’s Heavy Hand. The Future in Economic Action. MPIfG Discussion Paper 20/3. Cologne: MPIfG (with J. Beckert).

2020. Von Manchester über Detroit ins Silicon Valley. Rezension zu “Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads” von Carles Boix. Soziopolis, 29 January 2020.

2019. Review of “Democracy and Prosperity” by Torben Iversen and David Soskice. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21.1, November 2019, 56–59.

2019. Mit Kreuztabellen gegen Rechts. Jenaer Splitter IV. Soziopolis, 26 September 2019.

2019. Crisis? What Crisis? Rezension zu “Democracy and Prosperity” von Torben Iversen and David Soskice. Soziopolis, 11 June 2019.

2019. The Symmetric Fallacy: The Dangers of Symmetric Reasoning in the Social Sciences. CES Open Forum Series, no. 32. Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (with L. Haffert).

2018. Unsichere Zukünfte und die Entstehung von Kooperation. Wie Erwartungen kollektives Handeln ermöglichen. MPIfG Discussion Paper 18/8. Cologne: MPIfG (with M. Seeliger).

2018. Zwischen Offenheit und Festlegung. Ein Dilemma in der Förderung von Innovationen. Gesellschaftsforschung 1.18, pp. 14–15.

2018. Brexit, Nationalismus, Abstiegsängste: Soziologen untersuchen Zukunftserwartungen. Radiointerview. Deutschlandfunk, Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, 15. November 2018 (with L. Suckert).

2017. Die Zukunft im Forschungsprogramm des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung. Gesellschaftsforschung 2.17, pp. 12–15 (with J. Beckert).

2017. Varieties of Economization in Competition Policy: A Comparative Analysis of German and American Antitrust Doctrines, 1960–2000. MPIfG Discussion Paper 17/18. Cologne: MPIfG (with S. Kohl).

2017. Coalitional Cohesion in Technology Policy: The Case of the Early Solar Cell Industry in the United States. MPIfG Discussion Paper 17/7. Cologne: MPIfG.

2016. Große Hoffnungen und brüchige Koalitionen: Industrie, Politik und die schwierige Durchsetzung der Photovoltaik. MPIfG Jahrbuch 2015–2016, pp. 37–42.

2015. Die ökonomische Theorie in Zeiten systemischer Krisen: Zur analytischen und sozialen Geschichte der Makroökonomie. Die Scholar in Residence Lectures von Robert Boyer. Gesellschaftsforschung 1.15, p. 24.

2015. In der Solarbranche kämpfte jeder für sich. Interview mit Hartmut Steiger. VDI-Nachrichten 2015.15, p. 11.